GDT Game 62: 2/23/18|7:00 PM CT|vs Jets|FSMW/KMOX

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Re: GDT Game 62: 2/23/18|7:00 PM CT|vs Jets|FSMW/KMOX

Post by gaijin »

How do you stop a team underperforming as badly as the Blues have?

It's not as if this was a one-time thing. This has been the story of much of the season, and too often to say it is an anomaly.

I'm pretty much in favor of anything not involving the names Tarasenko, Schwartz, Schenn or Parayko. Yeo? Don't care whether he stays or goes. Army? Likewise. Steen/Stastny/Berglund/Bouwmeester? Fuhgeddaboutit.

glen a richter
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Re: GDT Game 62: 2/23/18|7:00 PM CT|vs Jets|FSMW/KMOX

Post by glen a richter »

Management needs to realize that insanity is doing the same crap over and over and expecting different results.

Murray = Hitchcock = Yeo. Normally when you shitcan a coach, you replace then with someone who has a completely different philosophy, but the Blues? Hell no! That''s not in their DNA. Even if they made a big splash before the deadline, barring that splash being named John Tavares, they're not going far in the playoffs. That's assuming they even make the damn playoffs. There are so many youngsters in the pipeline that are close, they need to open up some roster spots and get a coach who won't completely mismanage them. I'm talking all the usual names--Thompson, Blais, Kostin, Kyrou, Thomas, Kaspick, Stevens, Walman, Husso. This team could be set up for long term success if they don't pussy around and just move the deadweight--including Yeo and his entire staff.

The other problem with this team is a total lack of leadership. They don't play as a team, they play as individuals--crappily. A seismic shift in the roster can cleanse that philosophy right out of their collective systems. Again, you don't need a long term overhaul. The replacements are in the system already. Keep Tarasenko-Schenn-Schwartz together, keep the D basically together, get Fabbri back or trade him for skilled and young(ish) assets (see post #51 in the trade deadline thread, which I just made). Suffer through a year of the kids figuring out the NHL game and then watch them flourish in year two. I'd rather see the team suck because everyone is getting acclimated to the game than see them suck because they just don't care.
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Re: GDT Game 62: 2/23/18|7:00 PM CT|vs Jets|FSMW/KMOX

Post by theohall »

gaijin wrote:How do you stop a team underperforming as badly as the Blues have?

It's not as if this was a one-time thing. This has been the story of much of the season, and too often to say it is an anomaly.

I'm pretty much in favor of anything not involving the names Tarasenko, Schwartz, Schenn or Parayko. Yeo? Don't care whether he stays or goes. Army? Likewise. Steen/Stastny/Berglund/Bouwmeester? Fuhgeddaboutit.
Scratch multiple veterans and play younger players in their place is one method. Unfortunately, Yeo seems to believe scratching younger players and playing veterans is the answer.

Scratch Berglund, Sobotka, and Jaskin for a game or two. Then do it to Steen. Put in Barbashev, Thompson, Blais as a line. Oh... they sent Blais back down.

And get Sundqvist in San Antonio where he belongs. He isn't good at anything. Recall Megan and give him the same amount of time which Sundqvist received. If Megan sucks over 50 games with 11 minutes Avg Time on Ice, fine. But I doubt that's what would happen.

There is too much "loyalty" to veteran players regardless of their level of performance and they all seem to know it. Until a message is sent in regards to this, "Fuhgeddaboutit"
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