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Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:09 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
And then what happens when this new stadium is obselete in 15 to 20 years?? There is NO WAY this town can keep building BILLION dollar stadiums every 15 to 20 years!

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:31 pm
by cardsfan04
I'm not at all worried about a flood there. It's never a complete non-issue I guess. Worsts in recorded history do happen. But, the 1993 flood was epic and this is above where the water crested then. Anything is possible, but I don't think that's a legitimate concern here. Also, 3 feet is a huge amount for a flood to increase by.

I don't like the PSL's. PSL's pretty much always suck. However, they're not a deal breaker either. If the difference between them staying and going was the PSL's, it would be a no-brainer. Not something I want, but something I think most people would quickly concede if it meant keeping the team.

I think the corporate stuff is the real issue. It's not that I don't think STL can support the Rams. I think we can. The problem is, we're up against LA. And, they will beat us in that regard. I don't know by how much, but for every dollar STL spends to support the team, LA would spend a dollar plus some more. Unfortunately, I think that's all that matters to Kroenke, which might make everything else moot.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:34 am
by cprice12
No team has ever moved with a stadium deal approved and in place. Something to keep in mind.

If this stadium proposal actually gets approval, then Kroenke may have a real hard time moving the team. Team's move when they can't get a new stadium built and/or they are severely undersupported. Neither of those cases seems to applies here. The Rams moving would also be negative press for the NFL because there would be no grounds to allow them to move. They are well supported here and a new stadium deal has been proposed...and it's a great deal for Kroenke. I don't think the NFL wants any more negative press after their worst bad press season ever for them. And Kroenke has not "exhausted all efforts" to try to stay in St. Louis. The clock has barely started ticking on that and he hasn't even tried to meet with anyone yet. This is the first time anyone is going to apparently try to challenge the new stricter policies and regulations the league has in place for moving a team. It's not as easy to move a team as it once was. If Kroenke ignores the rules and moves anyway, then what good are the rules? I can see the NFL taking a stand here to save some face...otherwise any team can move for any reason whatsoever. The NFL allowing Kroenke to go rogue and move the team sets a horrible precedent and makes a mockery of their new rules.

Kroenke also will only be in the first year of a year to year lease starting next year. The Chargers are going on something like year 12. They have been asking for a new stadium for 12+ years and have been patiently waiting with the possibility of moving being raised if they can't get a deal done. They would seemingly be first in line to move to LA and not too many folks in the NFL would take kindly to Kroenke swooping in and trying to steal the LA market from the chargers or the Raiders...both have been waiting a while to get a new stadium. Kroenke is already disliked amongst the other owners.

Apparently going rogue and moving the team regardless of what the league says would be a lot more damaging money-wise than I thought. Apparently Kroenke would forfeit all of the Rams' share of the tv revenue...which is a couple hundred million dollars or more. And I'm not sure for how many years that would happen.

This could all be a clever and substantial ploy by Kroenke to get the best deal to stay in St. Louis. I doubt that though...but it's possible. The more you read about this whole thing, the more interesting it gets.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:43 am
by cprice12
cardsfan04 wrote:I think the corporate stuff is the real issue. It's not that I don't think STL can support the Rams. I think we can. The problem is, we're up against LA. And, they will beat us in that regard. I don't know by how much, but for every dollar STL spends to support the team, LA would spend a dollar plus some more. Unfortunately, I think that's all that matters to Kroenke, which might make everything else moot.
It's obvious that LA has vastly superior corporate support. But that shouldn't be a big factor for moving the Rams. LA has more corporate support potential than most other cities do that have NFL teams right now.
Just because a city has better corporate support than St. Louis doesn't mean the owner can just up and move his team there. I'm sure that will be part of Kroenke's detailed report and listed as one reason why the Rams need to move to LA, but that isn't going to be enough to allow the NFL to approve the Rams move to LA.

There is a stadium proposal and the fan support is there. So Kroenke's only real reason right now in moving the team to LA is to make more money than he is in St. Louis. And the NFL can't let him move with that as the only real reason (assuming the stadium deal actually gets approval). That would be a very, very bad idea.

I would love to hear Kroenke explain why he wants or needs to move the Rams. He hasn't said a damn thing about any of this.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:46 am
by JesusNEVERexisted
Listen to the predictions of people in the sports field in this town on KMOX & KTRS. People in the know like Mike Claiborne at KMOX and McGraw Milhaven at KTRS say there is NO WAY this stadium ever gets built. Remember they have sources with local/state politicians and the business community that we don't.

Plus this entire idea of building a new stadium every 15 years or so for 8 home games a year will financially ruin this city! And studies clearly show using public funds to build a stadium do NOT help a city's economy!

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:07 am
by dmiles2186
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:And then what happens when this new stadium is obselete in 15 to 20 years?? There is NO WAY this town can keep building BILLION dollar stadiums every 15 to 20 years!
An outdoor stadium will last longer than the dome. The problem with the Dome, much like Tropicana Field in Tampa, is that it was built to lure a team, it didn't house a team. So they cut some corners and as if that wasn't bad enough, it was followed by an explosion of state of the art stadiums being built.

But the positive of an outdoor stadium is that it's easier to be renovated than a dome. Look no further than Lambeau field. They have renovated that thing multiple times and turned it from an ordinary bowl shaped stadium into an immaculate, state-of-the-art stadium.

By the way, Scottrade is 20 years old. It's still a great arena. Busch Stadium is already 9 years old. Same thing. If you invest the money and build them right the first time, you won't have the same problem the EJD does.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:22 am
by JesusNEVERexisted
BAD NEWS! Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says the Rams can move & there is nothing the NFL can do about it!

St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke stated last week that he plans to build an 80,000-seat stadium in Inglewood, Calif., which raised questions about his intentions to move the team. To relocate, it is generally accepted that an owner needs 24 of 32 votes to get approval, but Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says that is not the case, per the New York Times:

"As it would turn out now, apart from the league saying no, you can move there," he said. "Keep in mind that teams have moved without the permission of the league. They just have."

Jones reiterated his stance on a potential move for Kroenke, saying "He can if the league says he can't," and "there are just certain things clubs can do," according to the story. ... n-nfl-rams

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:36 am
by dmiles2186
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:BAD NEWS! Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says the Rams can move & there is nothing the NFL can do about it!

St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke stated last week that he plans to build an 80,000-seat stadium in Inglewood, Calif., which raised questions about his intentions to move the team. To relocate, it is generally accepted that an owner needs 24 of 32 votes to get approval, but Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says that is not the case, per the New York Times:

"As it would turn out now, apart from the league saying no, you can move there," he said. "Keep in mind that teams have moved without the permission of the league. They just have."

Jones reiterated his stance on a potential move for Kroenke, saying "He can if the league says he can't," and "there are just certain things clubs can do," according to the story. ... n-nfl-rams
You're the type of person who enjoys telling other people that someone died or was injured horribly in an accident aren't you?

Also, doesn't matter what Jerry Jones says. This is ultimately going to be hashed out between the NFL, Kroenke, and the cities of STL and LA.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:46 am
by cardsfan04
dmiles2186 wrote:
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:BAD NEWS! Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says the Rams can move & there is nothing the NFL can do about it!

St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke stated last week that he plans to build an 80,000-seat stadium in Inglewood, Calif., which raised questions about his intentions to move the team. To relocate, it is generally accepted that an owner needs 24 of 32 votes to get approval, but Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says that is not the case, per the New York Times:

"As it would turn out now, apart from the league saying no, you can move there," he said. "Keep in mind that teams have moved without the permission of the league. They just have."

Jones reiterated his stance on a potential move for Kroenke, saying "He can if the league says he can't," and "there are just certain things clubs can do," according to the story. ... n-nfl-rams
You're the type of person who enjoys telling other people that someone died or was injured horribly in an accident aren't you?

Also, doesn't matter what Jerry Jones says. This is ultimately going to be hashed out between the NFL, Kroenke, and the cities of STL and LA.
He certainly seems to take enjoyment in being the bearer of bad news. Of course, most trolls do.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:19 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
dmiles2186 wrote:
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:
You're the type of person who enjoys telling other people that someone died or was injured horribly in an accident aren't you?

Also, doesn't matter what Jerry Jones says. This is ultimately going to be hashed out between the NFL, Kroenke, and the cities of STL and LA.
Dude you're delusional! You're comparing someone DYING to a stupid GAME? You make NO sense! I deal in REALITY and a billionaire NFL team owner knows a lot more than we do!

Plus a growing number of people in St.Louis do NOT want the financial burden to keep the Rams here!

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:47 pm
by cardsfan04
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:
dmiles2186 wrote:
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:
You're the type of person who enjoys telling other people that someone died or was injured horribly in an accident aren't you?

Also, doesn't matter what Jerry Jones says. This is ultimately going to be hashed out between the NFL, Kroenke, and the cities of STL and LA.
Dude you're delusional! You're comparing someone DYING to a stupid GAME? You make NO sense! I deal in REALITY and a billionaire NFL team owner knows a lot more than we do!

Plus a growing number of people in St.Louis do NOT want the financial burden to keep the Rams here!
How much has the number of people in St. Louis that do not want the financial burden grown? Where did it start?

I'll wait while you google a quote from somebody that tells you what to think.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:46 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
Just listen to the airwaves. Ray Hartman, Mike Claiborne, McGraw Milhaven, etc. are all St.Louisans and they think the stadium is a bad idea. There are many more like them. Being a slave to an NFL owner who CLEARLY doesn't want to be here is a fool's game!

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:05 pm
by cprice12
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:BAD NEWS! Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says the Rams can move & there is nothing the NFL can do about it!

St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke stated last week that he plans to build an 80,000-seat stadium in Inglewood, Calif., which raised questions about his intentions to move the team. To relocate, it is generally accepted that an owner needs 24 of 32 votes to get approval, but Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says that is not the case, per the New York Times:

"As it would turn out now, apart from the league saying no, you can move there," he said. "Keep in mind that teams have moved without the permission of the league. They just have."

Jones reiterated his stance on a potential move for Kroenke, saying "He can if the league says he can't," and "there are just certain things clubs can do," according to the story. ... n-nfl-rams
This is not news. Why do you think this is news?
Yes, Kroenke can technically move the team no matter what if he wants. But he will lose all tv revenue among other fines, plus the very unlikely possibility that the NFL wouldn't schedule games for the Rams.
He can move the team if he wants, no matter what anyone says...but it would be a very costly move unless he gets the votes and NFL approval from the committees...which he very well may not.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:25 pm
by cprice12
Since JNE likes to quote local sports media...

Randy Karaker on ESPN 101.1, during The Fast Lane show today, said that Jim Thomas of the PD said Kroenke has said he would abide by the NFL rules and not "go rogue" in his attempt to move the team.
That is hearsay...but so is pretty much everything else surrounding this situation. And it came from Jim Thomas, so that's pretty reputable.

Karaker also didn't think that the NFL would let Kroenke break the rules that are currently in place and move the team. If they let Kroenke go rogue and move the team against the NFL's rules, the NFL would be saying it's rules don't mean anything, when they JUST put them in place. It would be a pretty bad PR move b the NFL and just wouldn't make any sense. Which I have been saying all along.

So there's that.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:44 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
Find me just ONE prominent local St.Louisan who says this stadium will be built. Peacock simply has a hypothetical plan but even he never said this stadium will be built.

People who have connections and are in the know to some extent ALL say it won't ever be built. This includes Ray Hartman at KETC, Jamie Allman at 97.1fm, Mike Claiborne at KMOX, McGraw Milhaven at KTRS, etc.

They also said today on the news that almost for sure a PUBLIC vote will be needed for this stadium and there is NO WAY that will pass!

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:59 pm
by cardsfan04
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:Find me just ONE prominent local St.Louisan who says this stadium will be built. Peacock simply has a hypothetical plan but even he never said this stadium will be built.

People who have connections and are in the know to some extent ALL say it won't ever be built. This includes Ray Hartman at KETC, Jamie Allman at 97.1fm, Mike Claiborne at KMOX, McGraw Milhaven at KTRS, etc.

They also said today on the news that almost for sure a PUBLIC vote will be needed for this stadium and there is NO WAY that will pass!
Why do you need somebody else to tell you what to think?

And, of course Peacock didn't say it will be built. He came up with the proposal, not the final decision. I don't really follow why that needs to be explained.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:55 am
by cprice12
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:Find me just ONE prominent local St.Louisan who says this stadium will be built. Peacock simply has a hypothetical plan but even he never said this stadium will be built.

People who have connections and are in the know to some extent ALL say it won't ever be built. This includes Ray Hartman at KETC, Jamie Allman at 97.1fm, Mike Claiborne at KMOX, McGraw Milhaven at KTRS, etc.

They also said today on the news that almost for sure a PUBLIC vote will be needed for this stadium and there is NO WAY that will pass!
I never claimed the stadium would be built.
I'm just saying that Kroenke will have a bitch of a time moving to LA if the stadium proposal is approved.

Oh, and by the way... that new proposed stadium in Inglewood and how it isn't supposed to cost the taxpayers anything?
That's a lie.
It will cost them a nice chunk of money which could get as high as $180 million for developing the surrounding areas that are on the stadium grounds.
The details of the Inglewood stadium plan are coming out and the deal isn't quite as sweet for taxpayers of California as Kroenke and Inglewood's mayor both implied. So maybe that one doesn't get built either...then what? :lol:

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:57 am
by JesusNEVERexisted
I agree both might not ever get built but Kroenke will automatically raise his worth by close to a BILLION dollars if he moves to LA and just plays at the Rose Bowl for a few years or another LA area stadium. LA is many times bigger than St.Louis and the 2nd biggest media market in America. His net worth goes WAY UP the second he moves and he obviously wants to increase his net worth!

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:46 pm
by cprice12
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:I agree both might not ever get built but Kroenke will automatically raise his worth by close to a BILLION dollars if he moves to LA and just plays at the Rose Bowl for a few years or another LA area stadium. LA is many times bigger than St.Louis and the 2nd biggest media market in America. His net worth goes WAY UP the second he moves and he obviously wants to increase his net worth!
If an LA stadium doesn't get built, Kroenke isn't moving the team to LA. I can pretty much guarantee that.

You don't have to state that LA is bigger than St. Louis. We know this.

And I didn't realize how costly it could be for Kroenke to move the Rams on his own against the NFL's wishes. According to, (which has a lengthy and very informative article about it all), it could cost Kroenke upwards of $3 billion to go rogue and move the Rams. AND, it feels that Kroenke could likely see a decrease in net wealth as well. ... ms-future/
For trying to grab the LA market on his own, the NFL owners could easily implement fees of $800MM-$1BB+ against Stan and the Rams. Conservatively, that’s around $1.5BB in fees alone that it could cost Stan to move the Rams on his own from St. Louis to Inglewood. Then, he has to add-in the costs of the new stadium itself as well as the ancillary developments. It’s reasonably imaginable that, if the NFL plays by its own rules, a total Rams relocation could cost Stan Kroenke around $3BB. The Rams may increase in value by relocating to the LA market, but Stan will likely recognize an equal decrease in his net wealth.
It also goes on to say that the NFL could very well bend or break it's own rules again and let Kroenke go rogue without too many penalties. But many seem to think they won't since they JUST put those rules in place to prevent this very thing from happening.

So it makes complete sense then what Jim Thomas of the PD said about Kroenke saying he will abide by the NFL's rules and the outcome of the votes. His net worth, accoring to, is estimated at $5.5 billion. He isn't going to spend up to $3 billion of his own money to relocate the Rams to LA...he won't even spend half of that. That just isn't going to happen.

Re: Rams Stadium Negotiations

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:06 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
That stadium is definitely NOT happening here so it's likely just a matter of time before the Rams are gone. The St.Louis region has lost over a DOZEN Fortune 500 companies since the Rams came in 1995. Plus the entire Ferguson mess and high murder rate in the city has made this area even less appealing. A vote to fund this new stadium would never pass either.