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Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:42 pm
by ViPeRx007


Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:19 pm
by abc789987
Who do you think will win in 2016?


Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:52 pm
by glen a richter
There's no way this thread can end up good. I put the over/under on when Curt locks it at 3 days.


Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:50 pm
by cprice12
Let's see how this goes.

I just ask that you guys keep things relatively civil. Chat, discuss, debate, argue, etc... But if it gets out of hand with personal attacks and name calling, then I'm going to lock it up. Political discussions have an ugly history here (I'm not innocent either by any means)...but let's see what happens.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:34 am
by JesusNEVERexisted
Check this out my fellow hockey fans! If Hillary wants it she is the next president. She is a bit more conservative than Obama & is a strong supporter of the death penalty. She has hinted she would stronger on border enforcement and she better be! She also better cancel Bama ' s executive amnesty & work with congress on immigration.

Clinton clobbers potential 2016 GOP foes

Washington (CNN)-Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton isn't just the prospective Democratic frontrunner -- she's favored over every top potential Republican candidate, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll releasedThursday.

Clinton beats out five potential Republican candidates in head-to-head matchups by double-digits, according to the survey of 843 registered votes, conducted after reports emerged that Mitt Romney was phoning donors, supporters and former staffers and considering a third presidential run.

Mitt Romney may be rushing the field and fraying former Gov. Jeb Bush's prospects of locking up the establishment money, but the former GOP presidential nominee loses to Clinton by a wider margin than Bush in the poll's hypothetical matchups. Romney falls 15 points behind Clinton while Bush also loses, but by 13 percentage points. ... index.html


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:55 am
by glen a richter
I can play along nicely if everyone else can...

Both sides have screwed us royally. One side wants to give everything to the poor, one side wants to give everything to the rich, both sides get richer either way and the middle class gets squeezed hard by both sides. I don't give a hoot who runs because they're all scum. Until I find a candidate who doesn't suck, I think I'll go back to voting third party. I certainly don't want to see another Bush/Clinton race. I think that's what we'll have but it's not what I'd like to have. It's a non-issue though because the president is just a figurehead. Anyone who pays attention knows that. I could be the frikken president and it wouldn't matter because it's all about what congress does and doesn't do. Congress sucks. They've sucked for a long time. Both chambers. The bickering bs is calculated though, they want to turn Americans against each other. They've succeeded. It's up to us to tell them to stop, and if they don't then this whole damn thing will come tumbling down.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:09 am
by not_a_wings_fan
glen a richter wrote:I can play along nicely if everyone else can...

Both sides have screwed us royally. One side wants to give everything to the poor, one side wants to give everything to the rich, both sides get richer either way and the middle class gets squeezed hard by both sides. I don't give a hoot who runs because they're all scum. Until I find a candidate who doesn't suck, I think I'll go back to voting third party. I certainly don't want to see another Bush/Clinton race. I think that's what we'll have but it's not what I'd like to have. It's a non-issue though because the president is just a figurehead. Anyone who pays attention knows that. I could be the frikken president and it wouldn't matter because it's all about what congress does and doesn't do. Congress sucks. They've sucked for a long time. Both chambers. The bickering bs is calculated though, they want to turn Americans against each other. They've succeeded. It's up to us to tell them to stop, and if they don't then this whole damn thing will come tumbling down.
I think you have pretty much nailed it here.

"Handouts" include social programs AND tax breaks. The quickest way to become a multimillionaire in the USA these days is to get elected to congress, sadly.

The general plan is to pick distracting, bullshit side issues and make them the focus of the election. Abortion, gay rights, "war on Christmas," etc... it's all designed to point us away from the theft, graft, and criminal special interest connections.

The more people talk about "party" the less concerned they are with "country." I would like to see the nation be the most important factor for a change, but fat chance of that.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:50 am
by cardsfan04
abc789987 wrote:Who do you think will win in 2016?
If I had to pick today, I'd say Hillary wins. If the election was next week, I think she'd win. But, it's not, so hard to say for sure. I think she'll get the DNC nomination. And, I have a hard time predicting anybody from the GOP beating her. Never say never, but I think she's the favorite today, 22 months out.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:04 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
Hillary has hinted she would be tougher on immigration than Bama and I hope she is. Every western nation has laws to enforce their borders so why not us? I've been to Mexico and the last thing we want to do is let our great USA turn into Messico! Parts of the southern USA are already headed that way I'm sad to say!


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:08 pm
by not_a_wings_fan
JNE=Atheist and racist, got it.

I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she was the only person on the ballot. I really wish she would go away.

I would look for someone to emerge from the Dems to push her to the side. The reason she's a Dem is because she was/is married to one.

Cory Booker would be an interesting candidate, but not sure if he's ready.

As far as the right, I don't know which old white dude they will trot out there, but I really hope it's Mitt again, lol. He's so funny to watch when he fails, and that's pretty much all he can do.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:20 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
So Wings fan, Hannity, O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, & Missouri ' s own Roy Blunt and Ann Wagner are all KKK members right? You are a MORON if you think having a strong border like most other western nations have is racist! I'm simply saying apply LEGALLY instead of breaking the law without documents!


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:21 pm
by cardsfan04
not_a_wings_fan wrote:JNE=Atheist and racist, got it.

I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she was the only person on the ballot. I really wish she would go away.

I would look for someone to emerge from the Dems to push her to the side. The reason she's a Dem is because she was/is married to one.

Cory Booker would be an interesting candidate, but not sure if he's ready.

As far as the right, I don't know which old white dude they will trot out there, but I really hope it's Mitt again, lol. He's so funny to watch when he fails, and that's pretty much all he can do.
I'm less opposed to her. I dunno. I grew up strongly disliking her. I didn't like her when she ran in 2008. I'm still not sure I like her now, but I'm less opposed than I used to be.

Bernie Sanders would be awesome, but I don't think he stands much chance. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. Might vote 3rd party again. Not sure how realistic it is, but I'd love a 3 party system. Whether that's a 3rd party gaining footing or the TEA Party breaking off from the GOP, I don't really care. But, I think it would force more compromise and less obstruction.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:25 pm
by cardsfan04
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:So Wings fan, Hannity, O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, & Missouri ' s own Roy Blunt and Ann Wagner are all KKK members right? You are a MORON if you think having a strong border like most other western nations have is racist! I'm simply saying apply LEGALLY instead of breaking the law without documents!
Immigration needs to be addressed, but it's not because of a fear of looking like Mexico.

I don't watch Fox News largely because I prefer not to hear what some of those people have to say.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:26 pm
by cardsfan04
JNE, please don't ruin this thread. You want to troll people based on religion and whatnot. Have at it. But, please keep your trolling to that one topic.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:51 pm
by not_a_wings_fan
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:So Wings fan, Hannity, O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, & Missouri ' s own Roy Blunt and Ann Wagner are all KKK members right? You are a MORON if you think having a strong border like most other western nations have is racist! I'm simply saying apply LEGALLY instead of breaking the law without documents!
Really? Yes, all those people are scared little racists. Particularly Hannity. Please don't try to use him as an example of anything other than someone who is an uneducated fear monger.

Name calling isn't necessary.

Stronger border in the people you mention is code for "White Power" man. You should maybe do some more research on what it would mean to have a "stronger border" and who is benefitting from the current situation.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:41 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
You're delusional Wings fan! Japan and Korea have strong borders so are they into "white power"? Most all western nations have clear immigration policy and you simply cannot walk or swim over and BREAK the law! All I'm saying is follow the proper channels and apply LEGALLY like the LAW requires!


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:55 pm
by JesusNEVERexisted
It's HIGH time we get rid of the 2nd amendment! You notice EVERY OTHER western nation lives just FINE without a 2nd amendment? Over 6 BILLION people on earth live perfectly content without guns! WHY can't we??

Aren't 30,000+ gun deaths a year PLUS another 100,000 shot yearly MORE than enough?


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:30 pm
by ComradeT
JesusNEVERexisted wrote:It's HIGH time we get rid of the 2nd amendment! You notice EVERY OTHER western nation lives just FINE without a 2nd amendment? Over 6 BILLION people on earth live perfectly content without guns! WHY can't we??

Aren't 30,000+ gun deaths a year PLUS another 100,000 shot yearly MORE than enough?
Dude, you are the only person I know who advocates for a stronger border and gun control at the same time. That is not to say people like this do not exist. But it still surprised me.


Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:56 pm
by not_a_wings_fan
JNE we are talking about US politics. The reasons Japan and Korea secure their borders aren't relevant to the topic at hand.

But I'll play for just a sec: Japan is a (Franking) island, so um, ya, its neighbors are fish and other sea life. They eat a crap ton of their neighbors. IF I follow your analogy, then you are advocating that the USA should start commercially harvesting Mexicans and Canadians as our primary food source?

Korea is a their neighbors are fish and the totalitarian state to the North that talks about nuking them almost weekly. I covered the relevance of fish above, but are you further indicating that Canada is a totalitarian state run by a deranged despot who is intent on destroying the USA with a pre-emptive nuclear strike? I just thought they drank a lot of beer while eating poitín and watching pucks. Silly me.

See, these are not good examples of borders or relevant to the USA.

In the United States the right talks about tougher borders for one single reason: their poll numbers suck among immigrant groups. Read that sentence again; just read it. They give not a single (Frank) about hiring cheap, illegal labor - they care about gerrymandering election maps and the immigrants keep (Franking) that up. Don't believe any other story because in the USA it's always about the money. Always.

I stand by my statement that Hannity and his cronies are flat out racists. The RNC paid millions for a study to look at how to reach more offices and the results were "find more white people." You have to be white or delusional to believe their bullshit for anything other than the old boy network.

As far as you and the 2nd amendment, your position isn't a shock to me. How could anyone expect internally consistent philosophy from someone who hasn't received the gift of Christ? :lol: :okman: :P


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:05 am
by JesusNEVERexisted
We have LAWS for a reason! We don't simply have open borders where you can just walk in! I don't care if you are Swedish and the whitest person on earth but if you don't apply legally the LAW says you should be deported!

A nation is no longer a nation without borders!!